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Imperial Gears

What are Imperial Gears?

Imperial gears are gears that use the diametral pitch (DP) as the unit of measurement for their tooth size.
The word "Imperial" is derived from the British Imperial System (yard-pound system).
Imperial gears are currently used only in a very limited number of countries, such as the United States, while many other countries use metric gears that use the module as the tooth size unit.
Naturally, because of the difference in tooth size units, imperial gears and metric gears are not interchangeable and cannot be meshed with each other.
Imperial gears are also called DP gears or Inch gears due to their tooth size units and the yard-pound system.

Module (m)
Metric Gears
Circular Pitch (CP)
CP Gears
Diametral Pitch (DP)
Imperial Gears
0.39688 1.24682 64
0.5 1.57080 50.8
0.52917 1.66243 48
0.6 1.88496 42.33333
0.79375 2.49364 32
0.79577 2.5 31.91858
0.8 2.51327 31.75
1 3.14159 25.4
1.05833 3.32485 24
1.25 3.92699 20.32
1.27000 3.98982 20
1.5 4.71239 16.93333
1.59155 5 15.95929
1.58750 4.98728 16
2 6.28319 12.70
2.11667 6.64970 12
2.5 7.85398 10.16
2.54000 7.97965 10
3 9.42478 8.46667
3.17500 9.97456 8
3.18310 10 7.97965
4 12.56637 6.35
4.23333 13.29941 6
4.77465 15 5.31976
5 15.70796 5.08
5.08000 15.95929 5
6 18.84956 4.23333
6.35000 19.94911 4
6.36620 20 3.98982
8 25.13274 3.175
8.46667 26.59882 3
10 31.41593 2.54

Comparison of various pitch measurements

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